The average person spends a third of their life at work.

In theory, that should be enough time to become as efficient as possible and eliminate the occasional slow days that every worker inevitably endures from time to time.

However, those who reach the level of “workaholic” manage to find ways to work even more efficiently by using a variety of tools and tricks throughout each day.

The following list outlines 10 of the most popular tools used by hard-working professionals – take a look!

Most people have a difficult time being productive at home because they typically do not have the same set of rules or responsibilities that an office job comes with.

When workers are able to enter an office building, they immediately feel a sense of comfort and security because there is a set structure in place.

This sets the tone for the day, which typically results in great productivity.

#1:      Keep Your Desk Organized

– When your desk is clean and organized it sends the message to your brain that you are ready to be productive.

It also creates a positive work environment for those around you, as they will not have to look at a cluttered mess when beginning their day.

For better productivity use Kanban Zone.

#2:     Set Goals & Prioritize Tasks

– In order to get every task on your agenda completed in a timely manner, it’s important that you prioritize what needs to be done first.

Setting goals each day makes this process much easier, as you can determine which tasks will be more beneficial to reach your ultimate goal.

#3:     Don’t Check Your Emails First Thing

– Most workers have a habit of checking their emails as soon as they wake up and this is not a wise decision due to the simple fact that it forces you to focus on what everyone else needs from you, rather than what your personal goals are for the day.

Check them later in the morning or at lunchtime – but definitely not the first thing!

#4:     Take Breaks

– Everyone needs a break from time to time, even those who feel like they can function without one.

A good rule of thumb is to take a 5-10 minute break every 90 minutes.

This gives your mind a chance to relax and “reboot” before going back into high gear.

#5:     Prioritize Your To-Do List

– Separate the most important tasks from those that are not as significant, then choose one major task to focus on throughout the day.

It’s easy to get caught up in several different projects at once, but learning how to prioritize tasks will help you reach goals much faster!

#6:     Reward Yourself

– As with any job, it is natural for workers to feel as though they deserve a reward after reaching certain milestones or completing a particularly difficult project.

These incentives can be anything from a simple break during the day, to a fancy dinner with friends and family.

Although workers may not see it at the time, rewarding yourself for a hard day’s work will make you more productive because it breaks up the monotony and allows you to come back refreshed and ready for the next task.

#7:     Stay Organized

– Once you have your goals mapped out, stick to them!

It is easy to get distracted by things that are unimportant or unnecessary – especially if they seem fun.

Being organized is all about setting priorities and following through, so stay focused on your tasks at hand and everything else should fall into place.

#8:     Don’t Check Your Emails First Thing

– Most people check their email as soon as they wake up and this can be a waste of time.

Instead, check them at a designated time during the day so you know what’s going on with your business and have an idea of what needs to be done for that day.

#9:     Get Comfortable

– It is important to wear comfortable clothing when working from home as it will allow you to feel relaxed throughout the day.

If you are sitting down all day in uncomfortable shoes or slacks, then chances are your productivity will not be as high as it could have been if you were more comfortable.

#10:     Set Goals

– Make sure that each goal is measurable and has a deadline associated with it.

This gives workers something to work toward and will make them want to be more productive every day, in order to reach their target.

– Thanks for reading!

Be sure to check out our article on The 7 Deadly Sins of Bad Productivity and how you can avoid them!

Also, we’d love to know which tip was your favorite;

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