A bodybuilding plateau happens at one time another to all bodybuilders, and dieters can liken it to a weight loss plateau.

You are following your routine, the same bodybuilding routine, using the same bodybuilding techniques that have brought you this much closer to your bodybuilding goals, and then BOOM.

All of the sudden it seems that no matter what, you’ve reached a point where it feels as if your bodybuilding results have come to a grinding halt…



What do you do to continue towards your goal?

First of all… We suggest you follow the advice Never, never, never, never, never, NEVER Give Up.

There are a couple absolutes here to remember.

At times like these you MUST first keep a serious positive attitude.

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Know that the goals you set are attainable – others have done it before you.

Secondly, we guarantee if you quit working out, you will NEVER reach your bodybuilding goals.

So you ask “What do I do to break through this bodybuilding plateau and continue on the path of reaching my Body Building Goals?”

Great question!



Your Body Building Techniques are not working because…

No reason to be a depressed bodybuilder.

You WILL break your plateau!

Have you considered your bodybuilding routine, which worked for you for so long – does not work for you anymore.

Since you started bodybuilding, your body has changed.

You have lost fat weight, built muscle, redefined your shape.

The bodybuilding techniques you were using were designed to get you from where you started as a newbie bodybuilder to this point.

Consider it like walking to the middle of the ocean.

You can walk to the shore, but no matter how hard you try, you cannot walk to the middle of the ocean.

Somewhere along the way, you will realize you need to change vehicles – or you will not reach your goal.

It is the same with bodybuilding goals, dieting goals, educational goals– almost anything in life.

So when considering that every bodybuilder eventually reaches a point, where their workouts begin to feel unproductive, or just not nearly as enjoyable and it can feel like you aren’t getting the results that you feel you deserve to realize this can happen for several different reasons:

  1.  You aren’t changing your bodybuilding routines often enough.
  2.  You approach your workouts using the same workout intensity.
  3.  You aren’t adding enough weight during your bodybuilding routines.
  4.  You’ve gotten stuck in a “one-way” mindset. 

Maybe you should consider a different bodybuilding technique to get you to the next level as a bodybuilder.

When it comes to building muscle, there are many ways to go about building workout routines and adding different intensity techniques for increased muscularity.

Weight lifting techniques and intensity methods to prevent bodybuilding plateaus.

This brings us to the different bodybuilding options you have.



By changing intensity levels, bodybuilding techniques or weight lifting routines to keep yourself and your performance at peak levels, you will be able to destroy that plateau you are facing and make the happy return towards getting muscle-building results.

To bust through your plateau, here are a few bodybuilding techniques we have found to be very useful – and we believe you will as well – that you can add to your workout routines for added intensity, to keep things interesting, and to keep yourself satisfied – getting you further along your path towards your bodybuilding goals.

Bodybuilding intensity methods and plateau busting techniques Here is a list of Plateau busting intensity methods that you can add to your weight lifting routines – just as a start:

Drop Sets What are Drop Sets? 

Three or four sets of one exercise performed without rest, using a lighter weight for each successive set.

Also called descending sets or strip sets.

Why Drop Sets are useful? 

Drop sets are a great quick workout, fatiguing your muscles in a short time, getting your heart going, and giving you an impressive postworkout pump as your muscles fill with blood.

How to use Drop Sets? 

Use drop sets when you’re pressed for time.

Don’t do them more than three times a week; you’ll get so tired you won’t be able to accomplish much else.

Start with a warmup, using 50 percent of the weight you expect to use in your first set.

Now use the heaviest weight you’d use for eight repetitions of that exercise to perform as many repetitions as you can. Drop 10 to 20 percent of the weight and go again.



Continue to reduce the weight and go again, always trying to complete the same number of repetitions (even though you won’t), until your muscles fail Rest-Pause Rest-Pause training is a brutal weight training technique designed to push people beyond their normal limits.

It’s not for someone in his or her first two years of working out!

If you’ve reached a plateau and no other routine has allowed you to break through, rest-pause may be just what you need.

To understand how different rest-pause is, let me first explain how a traditional exercise is performed.

I’ll use bicep curls as an example.

The typical way of doing bicep curls is by performing 8-12 reps while keeping the bicep muscle constantly under tension.

Once completed, it’s called a set.

You would then rest for approximately 1 minute.

After the break, you go back and do it again, two to three more times.

After you’ve completed three or four sets you move onto the next exercise.

Rest-pause training is much more intense.

There are two commonly accepted ways of doing it, so I’ll describe them both.

Version One:

You start with a much heavier weight than normal.

If you’re familiar with weight training terms, it’s called your one-rep-max.

That’s the maximum amount of weight you can lift, one time.

You perform one rep with that one-rep-max weight.

Then you rest for 10-15 seconds before doing it again.

You continue this cycle, doing one rep, waiting 10-15 seconds, and doing another one, until your muscles fail.

Version Two:

You start with a heavier weight than you typically use.

About 80% of your one-rep-max is a good start.

Then when you start the exercise, you take a short rest (1-3 seconds) between each REP and continue on until your muscles fail.



That’s your first set.

You then rest for 10-15 seconds before you start the next set.

When you can’t complete even one rep after the 10-15 second break, you’re done.

Pre Exhaust

The pre-exhaust technique involves working a muscle group using an isolation move before moving on to a heavier compound joint exercise.

This goes against a basic rule of beginning bodybuilding which tells us that a good rule of thumb is to perform heavy multi-joint exercises first, then move on to the lighter isolation moves.

There is a method to the madness though.

The pre-exhaust technique allows us to fatigue the targeted muscle group so that when we perform the heavier compound joint movement, the targeted muscle will be the first to fail as opposed to the secondary accessory that is used in the exercise.

Partial Reps

Partial reps use only a portion of the range of motion in a rep.

There are three basic ways to do this Start from the top and lower the weight part of the way down.

Start from the bottom and raise the weight part of the way up.

Use a range anywhere in the middle.

These are very useful if you always get stuck at a certain point in a rep, you can work just the area that is the weak spot.

Super Sets

Tri Sets Supersets are a great way to minimize time and increase the intensity of any workout.

Supersets are when you move directly from one exercise onto another without any rest.

To see the best results, opposite muscle groups should be worked, for example, biceps and triceps, chest and back.

After a while, your body and muscles become used to a set workout and stop growing.

Performing supersets is an ideal way to kick start your body back into action.

Here is an example superset routine designed by Sylvester Stallone himself:



Monday and Friday

  • Overhand Grip Pull-ups to Wide Arm Pushups (Back/ Chest)
  • Incline Bench Press to Narrow Grip Pulldowns (Chest/ Back)
  • Dumbbell Punches to Rocky Runners (Shoulders)
  • Dumbbell Shrugs to Cable Press Downs (Back/ Triceps)
  • Leg Presses to Calf Raises (Legs) – Lunges to Leg Extensions (Legs)
  • Hanging Leg Raises to Broomstick Twists (Abs)


  • Overhand Grip Pull-ups to Barbell Curls (Back/ Biceps)
  • Preacher Curls to Hammer Curls (Biceps)
  • Rocky Runners to Cable Press Downs (Shoulders/ Triceps)
  • Low Pulley Curls to Overhead Rope Pushdowns (Biceps/ Triceps)
  • Dips to Underhand Grip Pullups (Triceps/ Biceps)
  • Hanging Leg Raises to Broomstick Twists (Abs)

Perform 2 sets of 8-10 repetitions for each superset.

You should spend 2 weeks maximum performing this superset routine, then revert back to your previous workout.

Or indeed, create a new one to keep your muscles guessing.

The Cheating Method

All this is referring to, is using other muscles other than the intended muscle to help lift the weight.

Only do this once in a great while.

For example:

Normally with a barbell curl, you would use the strict form by ONLY using the bicep muscle to bring the weight up.

But everyone once in a while you may get to a point where you may fall short of your desired rep range.

Rep Targeting

Set a target of a certain amount of reps and get that target of reps no matter how many sets it takes you to get there.

For example, if you pick a target of 50 reps on chin-ups, say you get 30 on the first set.

Rest a little while, e.g. 10 to 30 seconds.

Do another set. Say you get 10 reps this time.

Rest 10 to 30 seconds again.

  1. Get 5 reps. Rest.
  2. Get 3 reps. Rest.
  3. Get 2 reps. Done.

A different version of this is what I call Time Subtraction.

The amount of time you rest between sets is the number of reps you have left to get to your target.

For example, if your target is 50 and you get 30 reps, your rest period is 20 seconds.

Say on the next set you get 10 more reps.

This leaves you with 10 reps to go so rest 10 seconds then go again.

If you get 4 more reps, and you have 6 left, rest 6 seconds.

And we came to the end for today’s article of Body Building and Weight Training techniques that have given proven success, as well as temporary aids to help you defeat bodybuilding plateaus – as well as fat loss plateaus when you run into them, we all do.

Remember a plateau is only a temporary thing, and with minor modifications in our training and bodybuilding techniques we can – and will break through any bodybuilding plateau!

Continue building muscle!